Teen Gym Try-it Pass ‘Teen Gym Try-it Pass’! To help teenagers take the first step of coming to Teen Gym classes we offer a week’s ‘Teen Gym Try-it Pass’. Try 1 class or try all 3 in the week! Fill out the form below. Free pass can only be used once per student. For more information about Teen Gym please CLICK HERE. Teen Gym Try-it Pass Student's Details:Student’s Name First Last Date of Birth DD MM YYYY Select the start date of your week pass:*Choose your start date and come to any of the sessions within 7 days. Sessions run on all Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 4.30-5.30pm, except for public holidays. Try 1 class class or do all 3 in the week! Do you have any medical conditions/mobility issues that the instructor should be aware of before the session?*YesNoPlease describe:This student will be getting to and from Healthways via:Guardian's Details:Signed by (please write Guardian’s Name)*Guardian's phone number*Guardian's Email* Enter Email Confirm Email BEFORE CLICKING SUBMIT...Please review your booking details above and ensure they are correct. When you click 'Submit' your booking will be processed.AFTER CLICKING SUBMIT...Please click 'Submit' only ONCE and look for the CONFIRMATION message. When you click 'Submit' you will see either a confirmation message or there will be parts of your form highlighted red to indicate information that is not filled in correctly. If you can still read this sentence after clicking 'Submit', you have not submitted the form correctly. Please review your form and try again. Thank you.